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Extending a Medical Cannabis Card in Illinois

The time of extension comes to all patients registered in Illinois, just depends on when applied to begin with and for how long you applied for. My card expires on March 13th so it is time for me to gather everything I need in order to extend my medical cannabis card and continue to purchase cannabis in the state of Illinois. Below, I am going to go over the steps you need to take to renew your card, or what you can do to speed up the process. 

  1. 60-90 Days prior to expiration IDPH will mail to you the paper work that needs to be filled out, including information for a care giver if you have one.

  2. Pay attention to detail and make sure you fill out every field correctly. 

  3. Gather a check or money order (determine amount by registering for one year or two years. Veterans and people recieving SSI or SSDI have discounted charges.) 

  4. Mail your form and check/money order

The above steps should be done 10-30 days prior to your expiration date. The sooner the better, in my opinion! If you want to speed up the process a bit, or have not recieved a letter to renew from IDPH, then please feel free to use the prompt below to e-mail the department directly. 

Subject Line: EXTENSION

To Whom it May Concern,
     My card expires in (insert amount of days here) days and I have not received my renewal forms... Please help! Thank you and have a good day. 

     Sign your name here


An automated message may be sent back to you immediately, but keep an eye out for another e-mail from the department as they should follow up with the forms shortly after. Thanks to CannaCurls on Instagram for the above information on sending out a swift e-mail. If you have anymore questions regarding renewal please leave a comment below or hit up my contact page! 


Posted by Kim Riot 2/15/2018